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eZ components
Aug 14, 2006 @ 12:39:14

On his blog today, Ammar Ibrahim relays a story of how the Mail component from the eZ component frameowrk "saved the day" for a project he was working on.

A few days ago I was asked to develop a simple script for a solidarity campaign. The idea is that people send their photos as attachements to some email. The script would download all images attached and insert a record for that in the database.

I got introduced to eZ components during my last visit to Norway to attend the eZ systems conference. I decided to give it a shot, and oh boy it’s just amazing, probably the cleanest and simplest API ever.

The Mail attachment provided all that he needed, and he includes the script (about 50 lines long) that he used to fetch the emails. He did have one issue with the ability to fetch a single email with the tool, but he managed to hack around it (script included as well).

tagged: ez components save mail send photos attachments api simple clean ez components save mail send photos attachments api simple clean


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