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SitePoint PHP Blog:
Commenting, Upvoting and Uploading Photos with the 500px API
Mar 10, 2015 @ 16:55:46

The SitePoint PHP blog continues their series creating a simple application based on the 500px service with part two, commenting, upvoting and uploading photos. The 500px service is a photo community for discovering, sharing, buying and selling inspiring photography powered by creative people worldwide.

In the first part of this series we used the API to get the latest photos from 500px and filter through them, and we built a user profile with the list of associated photos. In this part, we are going to give the user the ability to vote, favorite and comment on photos, and finally, we will give the users the ability to upload their own photos.

They start with a look at authentication and authorization handling to make the OAuth-based request to the 500px API. Code is included for the connecting class, including the addition of a logger to make debugging the requests simpler. From there they set up the routes for handling votes on photos (PHP and Javascript) and marking favorite photos. They also include the functionality for adding comments, getting the latest comments and uploading new photos to the service. The final resulting code can be found over on GitHub.

tagged: 500px tutorial api series part2 comment upvote upload photos

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/commenting-upvoting-uploading-photos-500px-api/

SitePoint PHP Blog:
Popular Photos, Filters and User Profiles with the 500px API
Mar 05, 2015 @ 17:26:50

The SitePoint PHP blog has started off a new series this morning to help you create a custom Laravel application based on the 500px photo community site. In this first part of the series they help you get the application up and running and connected to the 500px API.

500px is a photo community for discovering, sharing, buying and selling inspiring photography. In this article we are going to explore their API and build a small showcase app. Let’s get started.

You'll need to have Laravel set up and working to get started on the tutorial, but they help you get the other libraries installed and configured (like Guzzle). They start with getting a list of the most popular photos from the API, connecting it to your account via an OAuth token. A base route is created and connected to a controller/action with a view to render each of the photos in their own divs. They then add in a bit of Javascript to create a "Load More" button that makes another call, with pagination, to pull in more photo details. Finally they show you how to create the user profile page, grabbing user information and related photos and rendering them out to a page.

tagged: 500px tutorial series part1 laravel api oauth photos filters profiles

Link: http://www.sitepoint.com/popular-photos-filters-user-profiles-500px-api/

David Sklar's Blog:
Swanky New Ning Sites!
Sep 28, 2006 @ 12:55:00

David Sklar points out some of the new base sites that are being offered on the PHP-based mashup site, Ning.

It's been a lot of hard work, so I'm quite excited that we've just released three great new Ning sites: Ning Videos, Ning Photos, and Ning Group.

Plus, all three sites have the juicy bits that every site on the Ning platform gets -- things such as cloneability, complete customization, and built-in REST APIs. I've been watching the feeds for clones of photos and videos -- I suppose seeing who's cloned sites you care about is the Web 2.0 version of ego surfing.

He also talks about some of the features of the Ning Photo cloneable site like the slideshow and, in Ning Video, the embeddable player. The Ning Group application also has parsing abilities to help with sharing documents/music/photos/etc with anyone.

tagged: ning sites clone base photos videos group player slideshow ning sites clone base photos videos group player slideshow


David Sklar's Blog:
Swanky New Ning Sites!
Sep 28, 2006 @ 12:55:00

David Sklar points out some of the new base sites that are being offered on the PHP-based mashup site, Ning.

It's been a lot of hard work, so I'm quite excited that we've just released three great new Ning sites: Ning Videos, Ning Photos, and Ning Group.

Plus, all three sites have the juicy bits that every site on the Ning platform gets -- things such as cloneability, complete customization, and built-in REST APIs. I've been watching the feeds for clones of photos and videos -- I suppose seeing who's cloned sites you care about is the Web 2.0 version of ego surfing.

He also talks about some of the features of the Ning Photo cloneable site like the slideshow and, in Ning Video, the embeddable player. The Ning Group application also has parsing abilities to help with sharing documents/music/photos/etc with anyone.

tagged: ning sites clone base photos videos group player slideshow ning sites clone base photos videos group player slideshow


eZ components
Aug 14, 2006 @ 12:39:14

On his blog today, Ammar Ibrahim relays a story of how the Mail component from the eZ component frameowrk "saved the day" for a project he was working on.

A few days ago I was asked to develop a simple script for a solidarity campaign. The idea is that people send their photos as attachements to some email. The script would download all images attached and insert a record for that in the database.

I got introduced to eZ components during my last visit to Norway to attend the eZ systems conference. I decided to give it a shot, and oh boy it’s just amazing, probably the cleanest and simplest API ever.

The Mail attachment provided all that he needed, and he includes the script (about 50 lines long) that he used to fetch the emails. He did have one issue with the ability to fetch a single email with the tool, but he managed to hack around it (script included as well).

tagged: ez components save mail send photos attachments api simple clean ez components save mail send photos attachments api simple clean


eZ components
Aug 14, 2006 @ 12:39:14

On his blog today, Ammar Ibrahim relays a story of how the Mail component from the eZ component frameowrk "saved the day" for a project he was working on.

A few days ago I was asked to develop a simple script for a solidarity campaign. The idea is that people send their photos as attachements to some email. The script would download all images attached and insert a record for that in the database.

I got introduced to eZ components during my last visit to Norway to attend the eZ systems conference. I decided to give it a shot, and oh boy it’s just amazing, probably the cleanest and simplest API ever.

The Mail attachment provided all that he needed, and he includes the script (about 50 lines long) that he used to fetch the emails. He did have one issue with the ability to fetch a single email with the tool, but he managed to hack around it (script included as well).

tagged: ez components save mail send photos attachments api simple clean ez components save mail send photos attachments api simple clean


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