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Community News:
Stefan Esser Named to eWeek's The 15 Most Influential People in Security Today
Feb 19, 2008 @ 13:59:00

As the ThinkPHP blog points out today, Stefan Esser has been named one of the "15 Most Influential People in Security Today" by eWeek.

If there's a security hole in PHP, chances are it was found by Stefan Esser, an open-source security specialist. Esser's advisories about flaws in Linux, NetBSD, Samba, Ethereal, CVS, Subversion, MySQL and PHP are legendary. [...] His "Month of PHP Bugs" project thoroughly exposed the insecure nature of the widely deployed PHP language and forced a rethink about security in the open-source world.

Check out the slideshow for other people in the list including Michal Zalewski of Google and Ivan Krstic of the "One Laptop Per Child" project.

tagged: stefanesser eweek security influential list slideshow


Presentations in DokuWiki
Dec 05, 2006 @ 13:56:00

On SplitBrain.org, there's a mention of a new feature that's been added to the popular DokuWiki package - "pluggable renderers".

In case you don't know: DokuWiki parses Wiki syntax into an instruction array which then is "rendered" to the desired output format. This output format is usually the XHTML to display a nicely formatted Wiki page.

Pluggable renderers allow plugin authors to write their own renderer to output any format they want. This adds another bit of flexibility to DokuWiki.

The idea for these renderers was inspired by the S5 system (developed by Eric Meyer) that was essentially a web-based slide show (without the need for a messy client-side application). Unfortunately, the slide shows were hard to make - which is where the renderers come in. In fact, he's already created the tool to get you started - the S5 DokuWiki Plugin. Check out his example to see the results.

tagged: s5 slideshow dokuwiki plugin presentation example s5 slideshow dokuwiki plugin presentation example


Presentations in DokuWiki
Dec 05, 2006 @ 13:56:00

On SplitBrain.org, there's a mention of a new feature that's been added to the popular DokuWiki package - "pluggable renderers".

In case you don't know: DokuWiki parses Wiki syntax into an instruction array which then is "rendered" to the desired output format. This output format is usually the XHTML to display a nicely formatted Wiki page.

Pluggable renderers allow plugin authors to write their own renderer to output any format they want. This adds another bit of flexibility to DokuWiki.

The idea for these renderers was inspired by the S5 system (developed by Eric Meyer) that was essentially a web-based slide show (without the need for a messy client-side application). Unfortunately, the slide shows were hard to make - which is where the renderers come in. In fact, he's already created the tool to get you started - the S5 DokuWiki Plugin. Check out his example to see the results.

tagged: s5 slideshow dokuwiki plugin presentation example s5 slideshow dokuwiki plugin presentation example


Zend Developer Zone:
ZendCon Wrapup: The Video
Nov 10, 2006 @ 19:13:39

In case you didn't get a chance to make it to this year's Zend Conference, Cal Evans has put together this cool little video montage of the week.

With a weekend to kill and only a laptop to amuse myself, I sat down to put my feelings, my emotions, my raw soul into something that would express the impact the conference left on me. Unfortunately, what came out was something a bit less moving than I anticipated but none the less, it was fun to make and it's slightly amusing to watch.

So, check out the video, makes a few comments and relive a great week for all who attended. (And yes, I'm in there somewhere...)

tagged: zendcon2006 wrapup video photo slideshow week zendcon2006 wrapup video photo slideshow week


Zend Developer Zone:
ZendCon Wrapup: The Video
Nov 10, 2006 @ 19:13:39

In case you didn't get a chance to make it to this year's Zend Conference, Cal Evans has put together this cool little video montage of the week.

With a weekend to kill and only a laptop to amuse myself, I sat down to put my feelings, my emotions, my raw soul into something that would express the impact the conference left on me. Unfortunately, what came out was something a bit less moving than I anticipated but none the less, it was fun to make and it's slightly amusing to watch.

So, check out the video, makes a few comments and relive a great week for all who attended. (And yes, I'm in there somewhere...)

tagged: zendcon2006 wrapup video photo slideshow week zendcon2006 wrapup video photo slideshow week


David Sklar's Blog:
Swanky New Ning Sites!
Sep 28, 2006 @ 12:55:00

David Sklar points out some of the new base sites that are being offered on the PHP-based mashup site, Ning.

It's been a lot of hard work, so I'm quite excited that we've just released three great new Ning sites: Ning Videos, Ning Photos, and Ning Group.

Plus, all three sites have the juicy bits that every site on the Ning platform gets -- things such as cloneability, complete customization, and built-in REST APIs. I've been watching the feeds for clones of photos and videos -- I suppose seeing who's cloned sites you care about is the Web 2.0 version of ego surfing.

He also talks about some of the features of the Ning Photo cloneable site like the slideshow and, in Ning Video, the embeddable player. The Ning Group application also has parsing abilities to help with sharing documents/music/photos/etc with anyone.

tagged: ning sites clone base photos videos group player slideshow ning sites clone base photos videos group player slideshow


David Sklar's Blog:
Swanky New Ning Sites!
Sep 28, 2006 @ 12:55:00

David Sklar points out some of the new base sites that are being offered on the PHP-based mashup site, Ning.

It's been a lot of hard work, so I'm quite excited that we've just released three great new Ning sites: Ning Videos, Ning Photos, and Ning Group.

Plus, all three sites have the juicy bits that every site on the Ning platform gets -- things such as cloneability, complete customization, and built-in REST APIs. I've been watching the feeds for clones of photos and videos -- I suppose seeing who's cloned sites you care about is the Web 2.0 version of ego surfing.

He also talks about some of the features of the Ning Photo cloneable site like the slideshow and, in Ning Video, the embeddable player. The Ning Group application also has parsing abilities to help with sharing documents/music/photos/etc with anyone.

tagged: ning sites clone base photos videos group player slideshow ning sites clone base photos videos group player slideshow


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