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Nefarious Designs:
Object-Oriented PHP Part 3: Taking Relationships Further
Aug 23, 2006 @ 11:33:31

Nefarious Designs has posted the next part of their "Object-Oriented PHP" series today, the third part looking at how to take the relationships (discussed in part two) even further.

In "Part 1: Definition" we took a look at defining objects and classes in PHP. In "Part 2: Relationships" we looked at linking our objects and classes together. In part 3 I'm going to add to those relationships by looking at visibility, polymorphism and the scope resolution operator.

He starts off with a look at access modifiers (private, public, protected) on both attributes and methods. Next is a look at polymorphism with an example of using a getHTML function in both a base formElement class and the child class of textarea. He then talks about the scope resolution operator (::) and its use in parent/child relationships and in PHP5's scope.

tagged: part3 object oriented relationships further access polymorphism part3 object oriented relationships further access polymorphism


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