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Sebastian Bergmann's Blog:
Visualizing Text Differences in PHPUnit 3
Aug 23, 2006 @ 15:36:32

Sebastian Bergmann has posted this new item on his blog today detailing how to tell the differences between two strings inside of PHPUnit 3.

A long-standing feature request for PHPUnit has been the generation of a real diff between strings that span multiple lines.

Ideally this would be done by implementing the diff algorithm in PHP. But since Derick needed a working solution quickly, the two of us came up with a "hack": we just use GNU diff and invoke the diff command via shell_exec().

He gives an example, showing how to judge the difference between two strings of HTML in a test. The result catches the differences (inside the body tags) easily.

tagged: visualize text difference phpunit test diff visualize text difference phpunit test diff


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