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Mapping Framework Popularity
Aug 30, 2006 @ 12:18:04

Ever wondered just how many PHP frameworks there are out there? Well, this mapping of them gives you a good idea. ColdScripts.com has created a single page, digg-ish voting system for lots of the PHP frameworks out there, letting users pick their favorites.

The brighter/clearer the framework's information, the higher it's ranking. To cast a vote, just click on the "+" (plus) in the box for your choice, or the "-" (minus) to detract from the score.

So far, it looks like CakePHP and Symfony are tied in the lead with Code Igniter and eZ Components following close behind. Be sure to head over and vote for your favorite framework today!

tagged: map framework popular zend codeigniter cakephp symfony ez components map framework popular zend codeigniter cakephp symfony ez components


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