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Sebastian Bergmann's Blog:
PHP Deployment Model
Sep 06, 2006 @ 11:33:20

In an effort to have a definitive resource to point to when people ask about PHP scaling, Sebastian Bergmann is asking for suggestions and information on the topic in his latest blog entry.

In "The J2EE guy still doesn't get PHP", Harry Fuecks suggests that PHP really needs [someone] to get together and write a detailed paper on how it works and why PHP scales so we can all live happily ever after.

I could not agree more.

Sebastian even notes that just recently, such a document would have come in very handy in a discussion. Unfortunately, he hasn't had the experience needed to make such a paper himself, so he's asking the community to help on the project and give suggestions/comments/offers of help in the comments of this blog posting.

tagged: deployment model paper large scale deployment model paper large scale


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