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ThinPHP Blog:
Understanding successful tracing of security vulnerabilities
Sep 21, 2006 @ 12:34:33

In this new post on the ThinkPHP blog, there's more talk about their Chorizo! security scanner and how, with a little help from their Morcilla product, you can find problems easily. Now, interpreting them is another matter, so they show you a simple way to determine just what went wrong.

Sometimes it's not very easy to check if a vulnerability occured where Morcilla told you it occured. In order to pinpoint this issue, it is neccessary that you get a deeper look to the callstack of all the functions that were involved calling the SQL abstraction layer.

They include a screenshot of how the functionality will (in the upcoming version) work in the case of a MySQL SQL injection problem.

tagged: vulnerabilities security chorizo morcilla trace screenshot sql injection vulnerabilities security chorizo morcilla trace screenshot sql injection


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