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Zend Developer Zone:
Use LiveUser for Authentication & Permission Management with the Zend Framewok
Oct 09, 2006 @ 15:21:00

On the Zend Developer Zone today, there's a new tutorial posted about using the LiveUser in conjunction with the Zend Framework to make an easy authetication and persmission system for your system.

When building a web site or application there comes a moment when you will most likely need to implement access restrictions. Two parts come in to play, first there is authentication (ususally implemented as username/password combination) and then authorization (or permission) to make sure a user is allowed to do what he is trying to do.

LiveUser provides you with a framework to make it easy to implement both aspects. It has a container approach giving a lot of flexibility in writing your own schemes if the bundled ones do not meet your needs. All containers use a unified API that makes switching between containers as painless as possible. We will see one way to integrate the Zend Framework Controller with LiveUser.

They start with a few definitions of the levels of complexity you can have for authentication on your website (simple, medium, complex) and follow it with the usual "getting started" and setup portion. They create a simple configuration array and show how to authenticate against it by including the LiveUser library and making an object with it, Factory style.

tagged: liveuser authentication permission zend framework management liveuser authentication permission zend framework management


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