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Zend Developer Zone:
Sebastian Bergmann on ZendCon and PHPUnit 3
Oct 19, 2006 @ 12:58:00

On the Zend Developer Zone site today, Cal Evans had a chance to talk with Sebastian Bergmann, the lead coder on the PHPUnit unit testing project for an interview:

Sebastian Bergmann works at eZ systems. In his spare time he wrote and maintains the PHPUnit project. (He's worked on other project but since that's what he’s talking about at ZendCon, that's what we'll talk about)

The interview is only a few questions long, but it's interesting to see how Sebastian's talk will be heading. There'll be talk of PHPUnit 3 (still in beta), mock objects, and its integration with CruiseControl. Check out the post for more of the questions.

tagged: phpunit testing unit zendcon2006 interview beta mock objects phpunit testing unit zendcon2006 interview beta mock objects


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