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Creating the Front End of a Search Engine with AJAX
Nov 15, 2006 @ 19:10:54

DevArticles has posted the first part of a new series today, one looking at the creation of a simple search engine with PHP and Ajax. It'll pull the data it needs from a backend database and display the results as transmitted through the Ajax connection.

In this particular article, though, they focus on the front-end of the system - creating the user interface, the look and feel of how it will function, and, finally, programming a behavioral layer to make the Ajax connection to the backend. It grabs the contents of the text field (in the form) directly and pushes it to a search.php on the backend.

Finally, they give you a full code listing for the entire setup so far to ensure you're up to speed.

tagged: search engine frontend ajax connection backend database interface search engine frontend ajax connection backend database interface


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