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Zend Developer Zone:
Zend Framework Hidden Gems: Zend_Cache
Nov 17, 2006 @ 18:38:42

The Zend Developer Zone has its next in its "Inside Look" series at the Zend Framework and its components - this look at the Zend_Cache component.

Caching isn't one of those things that many people think of when designing their first applications. However once they launch their new AJAX enabled web2.0 application, they might start wondering what they can do to get this beast to move faster. The answer is caching.

Aaron Wormus gets started with the basics - why use caching and some of what it's for - before getting into the actual code example. His simple example just shows how to cache a bit of information and get when it was cached. He also talks about implementing tagging for more complex caches (different pieces for different times), and the drivers that are available for the component - both frontend and backend.

tagged: zendcache component zend framework hidden gem cache zendcache component zend framework hidden gem cache


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