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Sebastian Bergmann's Blog:
AJAX-Based Test Runner for PHPUnit
Nov 23, 2006 @ 00:02:00

Sebastian Bergmann has posted an official call for help for a PHPUnit-related project that seems to be a more and more requested feature for the popular unit testing package - an Ajax-based test runner.

It would be great if the frontend for the browser-based test runner would make use of AJAX. Since I am clueless when it comes to both web design in general and AJAX in particular, I would appreciate if someone else could help me with implementing this test runner.

He's looking for the XHTML, CSS, and Javascript to put it all together as well as the Javascript that makes the magic happen. If you're interested in helping out, you can either contact him on the mailing list or in #phpunit on the Freenode IRC network.

tagged: phpunit unit test ajax runner xhtml css javascript phpunit unit test ajax runner xhtml css javascript


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