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Jeff Moore's Blog:
PDO versus MDB2
Dec 27, 2006 @ 16:41:00

In the constant pursuit of exploring what else is out there, Jeff Moore took a look at using PDO and MDB2 in some of his scripts and tried it out in a simple test program:

I was just putting together a small test program and I thought I would try using PDO. I really haven't done anything serious with PDO, just try it a couple times. Unfortunately, this didn't work and it took me a few minutes to figure out why. Actually, I still don't know exactly why it doesn't work, but I did find a way to make it work.

He found PDO slightly different to work with than what he was used to so he moved on to MDB2 to see how the same code would fare there. Things worked smoothly there, handling the prepared statements he wanted to use perfectly.

tagged: pdo mdb2 database test prepared statement pdo mdb2 database test prepared statement


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