As a New Year's gift to the PHP community, Paul Jones has created some benchmarks for some of the popular PHP frameworks, comparing the basic functionality of creating a page in each.
As such, I have prepared a new set of benchmarks for Cake, Solar, Symfony, and Zend Framework using an almost identical methodology as last time.
The last time is a set of previous benchmarks he ran to test the response times for each of the four frameworks - CakePHP, Solar, Symfony, and the Zend Framework.
The stats have changed a little from the previous results, but overall it's pretty similar - the latest version of each of them shows Solar coming out on top and Symfony as the slowest in its "limitation of responsiveness in a dynamic environment". You can download the log files and the complete report of the tests here.
UPDATE: Paul has also made the code for the benchmark project available to the public on a Google project -