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Manfred Weber's Blog:
Consuming PHP SOAP Webservices with Flash - Part I
Jan 03, 2007 @ 15:40:00

Manfred Weber has posted the first part of a quick series looking at pulling information from a PHP-generated SOAP web service inside of a Flash document.

A PHP Pear package to easily create Webservices and WSDL. After several tests with PHP and C# I thought it is time to find a better way in Flash to create backend-driven applications.

He starts with the creation of a simple web service that just returns a string ("Hello!") including what the information page would look like in a browser. Next up is building the Flash side of things - using the serivces.WebService object already in Flash to pull in the info for the service and make the call to the "hello" method.

tagged: flash soap webservice consume serviceswebservice pear package flash soap webservice consume serviceswebservice pear package


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