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Working with Directory Iterators and Proxy Classes with PHP 5
Jan 09, 2007 @ 19:21:05

DevShed is wrapping up their "Building Proxy Classes with PHP5" series today with this last tutorial about working with directory iterators and proxy classes.

Since in the first part of the series I showed you how to create a proxy class for processing simple XML strings, in this installment I'm going to teach you how to create a proxy object that can be used in conjunction with the "DirectoryIterator" class that comes with PHP 5.

They start with the definition of a proxy class, the base to start from, and improve its functionality through additional methods like getSize, getPath, and getTimeStamps (using the iterators). The complete the development by pulling the parts together and creating a final example that loops through a given path and displays various info about the directory/files inside (size, names, timestamp, etc).

tagged: proxy class directoryiterator size timestamp tutorial class proxy class directoryiterator size timestamp tutorial class


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