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Zend Framework 0.7.0 Released
Jan 22, 2007 @ 15:09:00

The latest version of the (already) popular Zend Framework has been released. As per the official announement from the Zend Developer Zone:

This preview release is the result of a great effort from our Zend Framework community developers to create advanced PHP classes for internationalizing applications. The Zend_Locale, Zend_Date, Zend_Measure, and Zend_Translate classes enable you to bring your PHP project to a global audience by handling text, dates, and messages with best-practices methods, using an easy objected-oriented interface that is characteristic of Zend Framework components.

Updates in this new release include:

  • New translation-management component with gettext support
  • Comprehensive class for working with measurements and conversions
  • New class for managing memory usage in PHP applications
  • Many other improvements in current components such as MVC, Session, Gdata, HTTP Client, Search, XmlRpc, and others
For full details on these new features and on the framework in general, check out thier wiki documentation.

tagged: zendframework release feature enhancements zendframework release feature enhancements


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