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Chris Hartjes' Blog:
WordPress 2.1 and Mint
Feb 01, 2007 @ 00:51:13

If you're both a WordPress an Mint user and are wanting to integrate them the easy way, check out this new entry from Chris Hartjes about combining the two.

Now, the installation is fairly easy but there was a weird bug that was appearing, where a check to see if you are running a licensed copy of Mint kept getting triggered when I tried to access my feeds via a feed alias. The solution? An ugly hack, if you ask me.

The problem was with a Pepper for Mint called Bird Feeder Pepper that helps track RSS feed usage. The solution he found was a snippet of PHP code you'll need to insert into several of the feed scripts WordPress offers (as provided).

tagged: wordpress mint statistics birdfeeder pepper addon hack wordpress mint statistics birdfeeder pepper addon hack


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