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IBM deveoperWorks:
UK PHP Conference 2007
Mar 05, 2007 @ 15:55:00

Those that didn't get a chance to go to this year's UK PHP Conference but wanted to should definitely check out this great post by Caroline Maynard about all the goings on there.

Last week I attended the second UK PHP Conference in London. The organisers had clearly listened to the comments after the first conference, and this year's event was even better. It's the only event of its kind in the UK, and deservedly popular, with a large lecture theatre completely packed.

She talks about some of the talks that were given (including one from Cal Evans of the Zend Developer Zone and Rasmus Lerdorf giving a talk on "Fast and Rich Web Applications with PHP 5"). Check out the full post for the full story on the rest of the event.

tagged: ukphpcon2007 london calevans rasmuslerdorf kelvinhenney billgaver ukphpcon2007 london calevans rasmuslerdorf kelvinhenney billgaver


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