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Alison Holloway's Blog:
Int'l PHP Magazine Article - The Oracle PHP Connection
May 02, 2007 @ 13:26:00

Those of you out there that work with PHP and Oracle might want to check out the new article that Alison Halloway mentions in her blog today - a reprint of a fellow Oracler - Richard Rendell's article, "The Oracle PHP Connection" [pdf].

In this article we take a look the connection methods used for PHP and Oracle database using the PHP OCI8 extension. Specifically we cover non-persistent and persistent connections while offering some suggestions for choosing the right approach. In addition we will cover some upcoming features in the next major release of the Oracle database to significantly improve scalability of PHP applications.

He talks about [pdf] the types of Oracle->PHP connections, what the database name connection strings are (with examples) the environment variables for connections, closing the connections, a look at connection pooling, and an overview of using DRCP (Database Resident Connection Pooling) to accomplish it.

tagged: intlphpmag oracle connection oci8 persistent scalability intlphpmag oracle connection oci8 persistent scalability


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