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Felix Geisendorfer's Blog:
Bringing the cold war to CakePHP 1.2 - The Containable Behavior
May 14, 2007 @ 15:56:00

Felix Geisendorfer is sharing a bit of his CakePHP knowledge with us today with this new post to his blog. It shines a spotlight on a feature of the framework - a behavior called "Containable".

For those of you who can't await this, here comes a little teaser in form of a behavior for Cake 1.2 called 'Containable'. Essentially it is yet another way to unbind associations from a model recursively on the fly. However, I think it's more powerful then all the ones released so far.

He lists his reasons (it's smart, it's for the lazy, etc) for using it before getting into a code example showing how, with the help of a bit of extra code) to make an object that can make making associations simple.

tagged: cakephp framework containable behavior cakephp framework containable behavior


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