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Brian Moon's Blog:
You have to be really smart to code PHP!
May 24, 2007 @ 15:27:00

Brian Moon has posted some thoughts about "the post" that Terry Chay recently wrote including comments on smart versus intelligent, object nonense, and funky function names.

So, if you are not smart, then stop coding PHP. Its a good thing that C developers are smart. They have to remember all those functions. Assembly language developers don’t have to remember functions. I guess they are not smart?

Ok, that last paragraph was tongue in cheek. Knowing 3000+ functions does not make you smart. It means you have a good memory. I will take intelligence over smart or a good memory any day.

His comments on the "object nonsense" makes note of the difference between functions and methods and the function naming issue - well, he has "no solid defense" as they do make it difficult to learn the language and send some developers running back to the manual to make sure the parameter order is right each time.

tagged: smart interlligence memory fucntion parameter method smart interlligence memory fucntion parameter method


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