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PHP 5.2.3 Released
Jun 01, 2007 @ 14:07:51

The latest release of PHP in the PHP 5.2.x series has been posted for download to the main PHP website today - version 5.2.3.

The PHP development team would like to announce the immediate availability of PHP 5.2.3. This release continues to improve the security and the stability of the 5.X branch as well as addressing two regressions introduced by the previous 5.2 releases. These regressions relate to the timeout handling over non-blocking SSL connections and the lack of HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA in certain conditions. All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release.

Updates in this new version include many security fixes and enhancements - check out the Changelog for complete information.

Check out other comments on the release from Ilia Alshanetsky and Stefan Esser.

tagged: php5 release download security fix php5 release download security fix


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