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Rob Allen's Blog:
A Tutorial Update & Extending ViewRenderer to Support Layout Templates
Jun 04, 2007 @ 14:33:00

Rob Allen has two new posts today, both revolving around the same thing - an update to the Zend Framework called the action helper ViewRenderer. The first just mentions an update to his "Intro to the Zend Framework" tutorial PDF, but the other gets a little more in-depth:

The Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer action helper is a great bit of code that automates rendering a view template based on which action has been called. This is very useful, but renders the action template, not my layout template. To solve this, I am experimenting with extending the Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer and overriding it so that it know about my layout template. I also prefer to use the view suffix "tpl.php" for my view scripts, so I've made my class automatically set my preferred view suffix.

He illustrates with some code, an example that shows how to tell the ViewRenderer about his "tpl.php" files and link them back to the action that's called on the URL.

tagged: tutorial zendframework viewrenderer layout template tutorial zendframework viewrenderer layout template


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