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IBM developerWorks:
Java and PHP technology on AIX - Integrate the Java business application w/ DB2
Jun 22, 2007 @ 16:56:00

On the IBM developerWorks site, the next part of their tutorial series looking at working with AIX and PHP has been posted. This time, there's a focus on integrating a Java business application in using DB2 (version 9) as the backend.

It is possible to develop applications that employ both Java and PHP technology on AIX. You can use the Java programming language for the core logic (or redeploy an existing Java-based application), while gaining the benefits of PHP as a Web-based interface platform. In this article, the third of the series, find out how to connect the core application created in the second installment to a DB2 database for the storage of the survey questions and responses.

They talk some about database roles before working through the DB2 database installation. Then it's time to make the connection to the application, create the table structures and insert information.

tagged: ibm aix java db2 backend database tutorial ibm aix java db2 backend database tutorial


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