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Andreas Gohr's Blog:
Determine StumbleUpon Rankings
Sep 03, 2007 @ 15:35:00

Andreas Gohr has posted some info and code about one of the social networking/linking services out there, StumbleUpon. His post includes PHP code to figure out what your site's StumbleUpon ranking is.

StumbleUpon recently(?) added a "search result enhancement" feature to their toolbar. It adds StumbleUpon "star ratings" to Google results (See screenshot). This got me interested and I had a closer look at their extension...

As part of this "closer look" he came up with the code to return a general ranking for the URL you would give it. It does require a StumbleUpon auth key and username, but if you use the service already, you're one step ahead on that.

tagged: stumbleupon ranking example url authkey username stumbleupon ranking example url authkey username


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