David Coallier continuing his look at the upcoming namespace support in PHP, has posted some a bit more negative than some of his previous posts - this time it's about what namespaces don't fix.
Anyways, after posting a few articles about namespaces and now that the patch has been ported to the php 5.3 branch, people are actually starting to use it. The side effects of people (without too much knowledge or thinking about the implementation of namespaces) is that they are actually realizing that namespaces are not the promised land.
To illustrate his point, David gives something that namespaces just won't fix - long class names. It doesn't matter if you're using them in the Project_Package_Class or (with namespaces) Project::Package::Class format, you're still stuck with the long names. Keep an eye out for more similar articles from David to demystify other incorrect namespace impressions.