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Padraic Brady's Blog:
OAuth Specification and Zend Framework/PEAR Proposal
Oct 04, 2007 @ 17:03:00

Since it's been moved up into the "Final Draft" stage in its proposal process, Padraic Brady wanted to blog about this latest update for the OAuth Specification, a standardized protocol that allows secure API authentication from both desktop and web applications.

Because I love all things OpenID related and am an OpenID "pusher" in Europe (blame the OpenID Europe Foundation membership on Snorri Giorgetti), I'll be proposing a PHP5 implementation of OAuth to the Zend Framework (assuming no other OAuth proposal) and PEAR (PEAR because that's now the home of my OpenID For PHP library under proposal).

You can get more information about OAuth from the project's website.

tagged: oauth specification zendframework pear proposal final draft oauth specification zendframework pear proposal final draft


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