On the Laravel News site there's a new tutorial posted introducing you to testing with PhpSpec, a specification-driven testing tool that helps you model the specification your application needs to match.
PhpSpec is a testing tool based on the concept of emergent design using specification. You may have heard of Behavior Driven Development (BDD), and PhpSpec is a tool to use at the spec level or SpecBDD. We also mentioned PhpSpec in our recent roundup of Laravel Testing Resources, which includes ways you can incorporate PhpSpec into your Laravel workflow if you are interested in trying out SpecBDD.If you’ve never tried PhpSpec, one of the things that I love about PhpSpec is that the process generates code for you and guides you through the SpecBDD process through the command line. Let me show you what I mean with a quick tutorial.
The tutorial then walks you through the installation of PhpSpec and how to run it from the command line before making any tests. They then walk through the configuration of the tool and share a sample workflow with seven steps including describing a specification, writing out expected behavior and verifying the behavior. Code examples (and command line calls) are included in each step of the way, defining an example "calendar" specification with the common functionality (add, subtract, divide, etc). The post finishes with some links to where you can find more information about PhpSpec and spec driven development.