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Padraic Brady's Blog:
PHPSpec Reporting Gets A Needed Boost
Nov 14, 2007 @ 20:25:00

Padraic Brady has made a few updates to the PHPSpec software he's developed in preparation for the first stable release - additions to the reporting functionality to give as much information as possible.

PHPSpec is closing in on its first stable release, so the time had finally come to spruce up its output! No more the simple reporting of failed specs - now you get a few more details in a readable format, exceptions and errors even come with traces. In addition, I've implemented specdoc output as an option (using "-s") so you can get a list of specs in their plain text form.

He's also included an example of the new output in the post as well, showing the results of both successful and errored responses. You can check out the actual spec files on the googlecode repository for the project and get more details on the project itself (including the latest development snapshots) on the project's website.

tagged: phpspec reporting stable release spec snapshot phpspec reporting stable release spec snapshot


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