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Sebastian Bergmann's Blog:
Speaking at Conference PHP Quebec 2008
Nov 15, 2007 @ 17:13:00

Sebastian Bergmann points out that he will be speaking at the upcoming PHP Conference in Quebec (2008). He will be presenting three talks/tutorials:

  • Test-Driven Object-Oriented Programming - Learning and Understanding (with Marcus Borger): This PHPLab is an in-depth introduction to object-oriented and pattern-based programming using PHP 5. You will learn everything necessary to write your own cutting-edge components and applications - and of course how to use and extend components from other people or companies.
  • PECL: The PHP Language Workbench: A look into PECL shows how flexible the language core of PHP, the Zend Engine, is.
  • Graph-Oriented Programming with PHP: This session presents the eZ Components' workflow engine, its possible applications and the underlying principles and techniques.

You can find out more about the conference from their main website (including other speakers that will be presenting) as well as registering to reserve your space for the March 12th-14th conference.

tagged: phpquebec2008 speaker testdriven development pecl graph oriented phpquebec2008 speaker testdriven development pecl graph oriented


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