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Dennis Chung's Blog:
Server Core + IIS7 + PHP + MySQL (and Wordpress)
Nov 21, 2007 @ 14:43:00

Bill Staples has pointed out a tutorial from Dennis Chung about setting up Wordpress on an IIS7 server with MySQL on the Windows Server 2008 Server Core.

Wow. Take Windows Server 2008 Server Core + PHP + IIS7 + MySQL + WordPress, mix them together, will they blend well and work out as a nice concoction? Matty challenged me to this blend, and guess what, we have a powerful cocktail to offer after all!

He breaks the tutorial up into serveral topics like:

  • the hardware used
  • the use of virtualization in the setup
  • setting up Windows Server Core on the network
  • setting up FastCGI and PHP on the IIS server
  • loading MySQL onto the server
  • installing and configuring Wordpress
tagged: iis windows server core mysql wordpress iis windows server core mysql wordpress


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