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Zend Developer Zone:
YAMMY!: DB to YAML conversion shell for CakePHP migrations
Nov 28, 2007 @ 13:57:00

There's a new article on the Zend Developer Zone today about the conversion of CakePHP information (via migrations) from a database over to a WAML format.

Today we will talk about migrations, yaml files and CakePHP and in particular I'll introduce you to the latest shell I've written for CakePHP: YAMMY! I've written YAMMY! a couple of weeks ago, but I just found the time to release it today. Anyway lets get into more details!

The author, Daniel Vecchiato, first explains what migrations are and how they relate to database tables (like revision control - sort of). A previous project made it possible to do migrations in CakePHP, but it lacked what he calls the "right food" to get it working as well as it could. That's where YAMMY! comes in - by answering a few simple questions, you can set up a YAML record of your database tables and make it simple to integrate into your application's development process.

tagged: yammy database migration cakephp yaml yammy database migration cakephp yaml


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