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Matthew Weir O'Phinney's Blog:
Zend_Form Advanced Features
Apr 08, 2008 @ 17:13:35

Matthew Weir O'Phinney has written up a post for his blog outlining some of the other cool little features that were included in the recent release of the Zend Framework, specifically with the Zend_Form component.

I've been working on for the past few weeks, and it's nearing release readiness. There are a number of features that Cal didn't cover in his DevZone coverage (in part because some of them weren't yet complete) that I'd like to showcase.

These additional features Matthew mentions are:

  • Internationalization
  • Element Grouping
  • Array Support

Check out more of the great features of the component in the Zend Framework documentation.

tagged: zendform advanced feature internationalization grouping array


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