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Hasin Hayder's Blog:
Working with models in orchid
Apr 10, 2008 @ 19:17:47

Hasin Hayder has posted another in his series looking at the relatively young PHP framework, orchid. HE digs a little deeper this time and looks at the Model functionality it has.

As promised, orchid comes with real flexibility which lets you design your application in less time. [...] In this installment, we will learn how to achieve maximum speed and benefit by using the built-in model library of orchid with a toppings of the active record library.

He shows how to connect to the database backend through the framework (along with some dos and don'ts) and how to pull this connection into the Model functionality. His example inserts information into a "comics" table and shows how to pull it back out (with a call to the find() method).

tagged: orchidframework model database example


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