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#20YearsOfPHP - Let’s Hear It From Ben Ramsey
Jul 07, 2015 @ 13:41:18

On the 7PHP.com site Khayrettee Wasseem has posted a new interview with Ben Ramsey about the recent anniversary of the PHP language - "20 Years of PHP".

This is the 2nd serie of our #20YearsOfPHP ! YES $this->year[‘2015′] needs to be over-brimmed with lots and lots of love and happiness to celebrate this amazing unique moment. All that PHP has achieved today, is the hard work of myriads of PHP rockstar from all over the world. It’s also because of a super-fantastic group (they know who they are!) of dedicated people who are doing their utmost best to keep shaping, giving consistence to and above all safeguarding the magical community that is The PHP Community! [...] Here over 7PHP, I’m taking this a step further by interviewing some of the PHP rockstars about what they have to say about #20YearsOfPHP

In the interview Ben answers questions about some of his own experience in the PHP community, lessons he's learned over the years, why he thinks PHP has survived so long and his advice to new PHPers just starting out.

tagged: 7php interview community benramsey series 20yearsofphp

Link: http://7php.com/20yearsofphp-benramsey/

Laravel Podcast:
Episode 29: PHP, Sublime Text, & Decorative Urns.
Jun 12, 2015 @ 16:19:07

The Laravel Podcast, hosted by Matt Stauffer with guests Taylor Otwell and Jeffrey Way, has posted their latest episode - Episode 29: PHP, Sublime Text, & Decorative Urns..

In this episode, the crew discusses 20 years of PHP, their favorite PHP features, Sublime Text, PHP Storm, Nintendo, and Jeffrey's first programming job.

You can listen to this latest episode in a few different ways - either through the in-page player, grabbing the mp3 or subscribing to their feed to get this and future episodes as they're released.

tagged: laravel podcast ep29 sublimetext 20yearsofphp decorative urns

Link: http://www.laravelpodcast.com/episodes/12992-episode-29-php-sublime-text-decorative-urns

Zend Developer Zone:
#20yearsofphp - A Timeline of Tweets
Jun 11, 2015 @ 16:17:39

In remembrance of the 20th anniversary of PHP, the Zend Developer Zone has created a new post sharing tweets from the PHP Community Twitter account covering the history of PHP.

My friend - and PHP Community Old Guard - Ben (@ramsey) Ramsey did something awesome for PHP's 20th, he tweeted out the PHP timeline. I've gathered them all here to celebrate both PHP and the work he put into this project.

The post shares a long list of the tweets from the account mentioning the happenings of the last twenty years. It starts with the first release of the language back in 1995 (by Rasmus Lerdorf) and goes all the way up through the present day. It's been quite a ride over the last 20 years. If you're new to the PHP community or just want to relive some of the memories of the past, check out the full post!

tagged: 20yearsofphp twitter timeline tweets phpcommunity twitter

Link: http://devzone.zend.com/6178/20yearsofphp-a-timeline-of-tweets/

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