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Kevin Schroeder:
Why you should not use .htaccess (AllowOverride All) in production
Feb 25, 2013 @ 16:31:09

Kevin Schroeder has posted the results of some research he did around using the "AllowOverride" setting in Apache. He found some interesting differences when it was set to "all".

Commonly known as .htaccess, AllowOverride is a neat little feature that allows you to tweak the server’s behavior without modifying the configuration file or restarting the server. [...] Beyond the obvious security problems of allowing configuration modifications in a public document root there is also a performance impact. What happens with AllowOverride is that Apache will do an open() call on each parent directory from the requested file onward.

He includes the output from a strace call in the post - first showing the function calls with it set to "none" then the same request with the setting on "all". More "open" calls are being made in the second run, increasing the execution time by a decent amount.

tagged: apache allowoverride all htaccess production setting performance


Paul Jones' Blog:
Fluent Interfaces Require Fluent Situations
Dec 30, 2005 @ 12:51:41

On Paul Jones' blog today, he talks about something that's coming up more and more (and has especially been mentioned in PHp with all of the new frameworks popping up) - fluent interfaces.

My friend and coworker Mike Naberezny wrote recently of fluent interfaces (a.k.a. object chaining). The idea is that the fluent interface makes it very easy to read the resulting code in a way that flows naturally. This is cool, but I want to add a caveat to his examples.

I think, for a fluent interface to be effective, you need situations where you actually have all that information at one time so that you can chain the methods in a fluid way.

Paul continues, talking about that "something more" that might be needed to get this kind of thing working in PHP - the need to have all of the information that's going to be chained at once.

tagged: fluent interface fluent situation all data at once fluent interface fluent situation all data at once


Paul Jones' Blog:
Fluent Interfaces Require Fluent Situations
Dec 30, 2005 @ 12:51:41

On Paul Jones' blog today, he talks about something that's coming up more and more (and has especially been mentioned in PHp with all of the new frameworks popping up) - fluent interfaces.

My friend and coworker Mike Naberezny wrote recently of fluent interfaces (a.k.a. object chaining). The idea is that the fluent interface makes it very easy to read the resulting code in a way that flows naturally. This is cool, but I want to add a caveat to his examples.

I think, for a fluent interface to be effective, you need situations where you actually have all that information at one time so that you can chain the methods in a fluid way.

Paul continues, talking about that "something more" that might be needed to get this kind of thing working in PHP - the need to have all of the information that's going to be chained at once.

tagged: fluent interface fluent situation all data at once fluent interface fluent situation all data at once


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