Pablo Viquez has a new post to his blog today looking at how to profile the MySQL connections and queries in your Zend Framework application with some built-in tools.
You can do profiling on PHP using XDebug or Zend Debugger ad both works beautifully, however what about MySQL? Can you do something similar? The response is yes you can. Now the best part is that you can take advantage of the tools MySQL give you, if you want to take the profiler to a new level.
He shows how to use the built-in profiler that comes with the Zend Framework coupled with FirePHP to provide you with profile results to the Firebug output panel in your browser. Another option - one that gets a bit deeper into the MySQL side - is the profiling tool that comes with MySQL (you just have to turn it on). He includes the code for a class you can use to gather these results and, similarly to the Zend Framework version, output it to the Firebug tool with more detailed results.