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SitePoint PHP Blog:
2FA in Laravel with Google Authenticator – Get Secure!
Nov 01, 2016 @ 15:47:02

On the SitePoint PHP blog there's a tutorial posted from Christopher Thomas showing you how to integrate two-factor authentication into your Laravel application with a Google Authenticator-compatible library, helping to secure your site even better than just one level of authentication and authorization.

In this tutorial, we will use Laravel and Google Authenticator to demonstrate how to implement 2FA in a webapp. Google Authenticator is just one implementation of the Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) algorithm, RFC 6238. This industry standard is used in a lot of various 2FA solutions.

[...] How the TOTP works is that the server generates a secret key. This secret key is then passed to the user. The secret key is used in combination with the current Unix timestamp to generate a six digit number, using a keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC) based algorithm. This six digit number is the OTP. It changes every 30 seconds.

They start with a clean slate and build a new Laravel project out and include the libraries needed for the TFA support: pragmarx/google2fa and paragonie/constant_time_encoding. You then add in the provider to Laravel's config, build out the models/tables to hold the two-factor information and add a few routes to handle the validation steps. They also include the details in building out the controllers, updating the AuthController for the new step in the authentication flow and how to handle the code validation. The code for all of this (as well as the views) is included as well as screenshots showing the setup and usage of the two-factor handling in the standard authentication flow.

tagged: tutorial google authenticator security laravel twofactor authentication

Link: https://www.sitepoint.com/2fa-in-laravel-with-google-authenticator-get-secure/

Liip Blog:
2-step verification with Google Authenticator and PHP
Aug 08, 2012 @ 18:12:01

With the recent focus on security (caused by some major issues with large companies) Google has responded by reinforcing their 2-Factor Authentication method. Thankfully, there's a way you can implement that functionality in your applications too using the information in this tutorial (note: the date of posting is older, but it's definitely relevant now).

Many large web services nowadays support 2-step verification to enhance the security for their users. [...] The main point about 2-step verification is that something else than your computer provides that token. If it's on your computer and that one gets stolen (or hacked into), it won't help much for the additional security. That's why you need a second device for those tokens.

They link to this library that can help you implement something similar to Google's Authenticator tool for your application.

tagged: google authenticator twostep verification library


Liip Blog:
2-Step Verification with Google Authenticator and PHP
Aug 31, 2011 @ 14:53:05

On the Liip blog there's a recent post talking about a tool Google offers to help you authenticate your users, a one-time passcode generator called Google Authenticator. The post talks about a PHP port of the same idea.

The main point about 2-step verification is that something else than your computer provides that token. If it's on your computer and that one gets stolen (or hacked into), it won't help much for the additional security. That's why you need a second device for those tokens. Some banks do that with SMS/Text Messages (Facebook, too), other give you special devices for that (eg. RSA keys) and the last group does it with your smartphone.

At the request of a client, they created a tool that did just this, but for PHP. As a result, they created the GoogleAuthenticator library that makes it easy to implement in your application. There's even an example of it in use. For more information about the Google Authenticator tool, see this page on Google Code.

tagged: google authenticator library port twostep verification user qrcode


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