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Gonzalo Ayuso:
Creating QR codes with PHP and Silex
Sep 03, 2013 @ 15:46:53

Gonzalo Ayuso has posted a tutorial showing you how to use Silex and the endroid/qrcode library to make a simple QR code generation site.

Today we’re going to play with QR codes and how to use them within a Silex application using one Service Provider. First we need a QR code generator. If we find in Packagist we can see various libraries. We are going to use the library: endroid/qrcode. We are not going to modify endroid/qrcode, because of that we will create a wrapper. This wrapper will receive in the constructor one instance of endroid/qrcode.

His example includes both the code for the endpoint and a unit test for the "QrWrapper" class. The Silex structure has two endpoints - register

tagged: qrcode tutorial silex generate

Link: http://gonzalo123.com/2013/09/02/creating-qr-codes-with-php-and-silex

Generate QR Codes in PHP
Oct 01, 2012 @ 14:11:04

On PHPMaster.com today there's a new post from Abdullah Abouzekry showing you how to create QR codes (like these) with the help of a PHP library, PHP QR Code.

Used widely in various recent applications, QR Codes can be seen on cola cans, business cards, in sushi bars, and in museums. QR Code is a 2-dimensional barcode specification that was invented in Japan. [...] In this article I’ll show you how you can easily generate QR Codes from within your PHP application and share some ideas on how and when to use them, We’ll be using PHP QR Code, a library written in PHP for generating QR Codes and which doesn’t require any dependencies beyond the standard GD2 graphics extension for creating images.

Using the library makes things pretty easy - all you need to do is call the correct method related to the image type (like "png()" or "jpg()") for your desired output with the string you want to encode. You can also define things like the level of error correction of the result - related to how much data the image can store - and size.

tagged: tutorial qrcode library introduction encode


Liip Blog:
2-Step Verification with Google Authenticator and PHP
Aug 31, 2011 @ 14:53:05

On the Liip blog there's a recent post talking about a tool Google offers to help you authenticate your users, a one-time passcode generator called Google Authenticator. The post talks about a PHP port of the same idea.

The main point about 2-step verification is that something else than your computer provides that token. If it's on your computer and that one gets stolen (or hacked into), it won't help much for the additional security. That's why you need a second device for those tokens. Some banks do that with SMS/Text Messages (Facebook, too), other give you special devices for that (eg. RSA keys) and the last group does it with your smartphone.

At the request of a client, they created a tool that did just this, but for PHP. As a result, they created the GoogleAuthenticator library that makes it easy to implement in your application. There's even an example of it in use. For more information about the Google Authenticator tool, see this page on Google Code.

tagged: google authenticator library port twostep verification user qrcode


PHP Semacode Encoder
Jun 13, 2007 @ 16:05:00

In a new post on the Splitbrain blog today about creating and working with Semacode and QR Codes, specifically with PHP functionality.

I was more interested in Semacode, because it looks somehow cooler than QR in my opinion. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find any free (beer and speech) PHP library to create these codes.

He did, however, find a Javascript port (from a C library) to harvest the logic from and create his own PHP class to handle the semacode creation. He notes that it's probably still a bit buggy but is offering it for download to whoever might want to mess around with it.

tagged: semacode encode library barcode qrcode datamatrix semacode encode library barcode qrcode datamatrix


PHP Semacode Encoder
Jun 13, 2007 @ 16:05:00

In a new post on the Splitbrain blog today about creating and working with Semacode and QR Codes, specifically with PHP functionality.

I was more interested in Semacode, because it looks somehow cooler than QR in my opinion. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find any free (beer and speech) PHP library to create these codes.

He did, however, find a Javascript port (from a C library) to harvest the logic from and create his own PHP class to handle the semacode creation. He notes that it's probably still a bit buggy but is offering it for download to whoever might want to mess around with it.

tagged: semacode encode library barcode qrcode datamatrix semacode encode library barcode qrcode datamatrix


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