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Additional Methods for Using SQLite with PHP 5
Dec 18, 2006 @ 21:12:00

DevShed continues their series covering SQLite in PHP5 today with the final tutorial - "Additional Methods for Using SQLite with PHP 5":

The list of additional features offered by SQLite is really impressive. Therefore, in this last article of the series, I'll be taking an in-depth look at them. This will complete our analysis of this excellent RDBMS integrated with PHP 5.

First up is a look at the usage of the seek and lastInsertRowid functions followed by the changes and queryExec methods. They show how to use the createFunction method and show one of the more advanced features of SQLite - creating a database that only exists in the server's memory.

tagged: method tutorial sqlite php5 seek changescreatefunction memory method tutorial sqlite php5 seek changescreatefunction memory


Additional Methods for Using SQLite with PHP 5
Dec 18, 2006 @ 21:12:00

DevShed continues their series covering SQLite in PHP5 today with the final tutorial - "Additional Methods for Using SQLite with PHP 5":

The list of additional features offered by SQLite is really impressive. Therefore, in this last article of the series, I'll be taking an in-depth look at them. This will complete our analysis of this excellent RDBMS integrated with PHP 5.

First up is a look at the usage of the seek and lastInsertRowid functions followed by the changes and queryExec methods. They show how to use the createFunction method and show one of the more advanced features of SQLite - creating a database that only exists in the server's memory.

tagged: method tutorial sqlite php5 seek changescreatefunction memory method tutorial sqlite php5 seek changescreatefunction memory


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