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Thomas Vortuba:
How to Migrate From PHP_CodeSniffer to EasyCodingStandard in 7 Steps
Jun 05, 2018 @ 15:43:15

Thomas Vortuba has a new tutorial posted to his site showing how to easily switch from PHP_CdeSniffer to EasyCodingStandard for enforcing the structure and syntax of your PHP application's code.

Last year, I helped Shopsys Coding Standards and LMC PHP Coding Standard to migrate from PHP_CodeSniffer to EasyCodingStandard.

There are a few simple A ? B changes, but one has to know about them or will get stuck.

Do you also use PHP_CodeSniffer and give it EasyCodingStandard a try? Today we look at how to migrate step by step.

The post then walks you through the five-step process and lists out the major changes:

  1. From String Codes to Autocompleted Classes
  2. From @codingStandardsIgnoreStart to skip Parameter
  3. From 0 and to skip Parameter
  4. From XML to YML Config Paths
  5. Configuring Sniff Values
  6. From Severity and Warning to Just Errors
  7. From Beautifier to --fix option

Each step includes either the command required, the configuration changes to make or code examples of the refactor to help illustrate the changes.

tagged: migrate phpcodesniffer easycodingstandard codingstandard syntax tutorial

Link: https://www.tomasvotruba.cz/blog/2018/06/04/how-to-migrate-from-php-code-sniffer-to-easy-coding-standard/

Tomas Vortuba:
How I Got into Static Trap and Made Fool of Myself
Apr 30, 2018 @ 15:38:38

Tomas Vortuba has a new post to his site sharing some of his experiences with static function analysis (and fixing) and the trap he got himself into when evaluating the current state of his code. This is a continuation of his series covering the use of the SymfonyCodingStandard package.

PHP story with code examples, copy-cat killers, just a little bit of static, consistency, sniffs and way to prevent all that ever happening ever again.

In his post he uses an example "fixer" for testing DocBlock comments to see if they provide much useful information over what the PHP itself provides. He dives "under the surface" and looks at the steps it takes to accomplish this. He then gets to the "trap" part, showing the code behind the fixer and how depending on 3rd party packages and their parsing lead to code mistakenly being "fixed". He finishes up the post with a look at a few solutions that could help make these "traps" easier to fix including dependency injection and preventing the issue specifically with static functions.

tagged: static function analysis fixer codingstandard tutorial

Link: https://www.tomasvotruba.cz/blog/2018/04/26/how-i-got-into-static-trap-and-made-fool-of-myself/

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