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Richard Davey's Blog:
A Guide to using CVS Dude with NuSphere PhpED
Apr 20, 2007 @ 13:39:00

If you're a user of the PhpED IDE in your development work and have had a bit of a hard time with the CVS support, you might want to check out this new post from Richard Davey with a guide on how to get started - specifically with the CVSDude.com hosting service.

If you use NuSphere's excellent PhpED IDE then you'll know it has built-in CVS support for source control. This is a guide I wrote to using PhpED with the CVSDude.com service, so you can get your projects up and running in no time at all.

He talks about getting a new project set up, configuring the server correctly in the Project Properties, and running an import for all of the files in your application's directory.

With that all in place, he also helps you set up the reverse - a place to check the files back out to be able to work with them easily (in a few simple steps). There's even shortcuts you can assign to help make running the CVS functions simpler.

tagged: nusphere phped ide cvs cvsdude project import export nusphere phped ide cvs cvsdude project import export


Richard Davey's Blog:
A Guide to using CVS Dude with NuSphere PhpED
Apr 20, 2007 @ 13:39:00

If you're a user of the PhpED IDE in your development work and have had a bit of a hard time with the CVS support, you might want to check out this new post from Richard Davey with a guide on how to get started - specifically with the CVSDude.com hosting service.

If you use NuSphere's excellent PhpED IDE then you'll know it has built-in CVS support for source control. This is a guide I wrote to using PhpED with the CVSDude.com service, so you can get your projects up and running in no time at all.

He talks about getting a new project set up, configuring the server correctly in the Project Properties, and running an import for all of the files in your application's directory.

With that all in place, he also helps you set up the reverse - a place to check the files back out to be able to work with them easily (in a few simple steps). There's even shortcuts you can assign to help make running the CVS functions simpler.

tagged: nusphere phped ide cvs cvsdude project import export nusphere phped ide cvs cvsdude project import export


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