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Using Introspective Methods with the DirectoryIterator Class in PHP 5
Sep 26, 2006 @ 12:47:25

DevShed continues their look at the DirectoryItertaor class in PHP 5 with part three posted today, a look at using the introspective methods to find out information about things like if a file can be read or not and what its permissions are.

This class still has some additional methods that require special attention. For this reason, this last tutorial of the series will be focused mostly on covering all the methods related to performing some kind of introspective process, which can be quite useful when analyzing the types and permissions of each entry included in a given directory.

They go through the functionality, pointing out the functions to check:

  • if an entry is a directory or not
  • if an entry is a "dot" or not ("." or ":")
  • if the entry can be executed/read/written to
  • to grab the permissions and the type of the entry
And, of course, there is code to go with each example, making it easy to pick out the parts you'd find useful and include them in your own code.

tagged: dircetoryiterator class php5 introspective method dircetoryiterator class php5 introspective method


Using Introspective Methods with the DirectoryIterator Class in PHP 5
Sep 26, 2006 @ 12:47:25

DevShed continues their look at the DirectoryItertaor class in PHP 5 with part three posted today, a look at using the introspective methods to find out information about things like if a file can be read or not and what its permissions are.

This class still has some additional methods that require special attention. For this reason, this last tutorial of the series will be focused mostly on covering all the methods related to performing some kind of introspective process, which can be quite useful when analyzing the types and permissions of each entry included in a given directory.

They go through the functionality, pointing out the functions to check:

  • if an entry is a directory or not
  • if an entry is a "dot" or not ("." or ":")
  • if the entry can be executed/read/written to
  • to grab the permissions and the type of the entry
And, of course, there is code to go with each example, making it easy to pick out the parts you'd find useful and include them in your own code.

tagged: dircetoryiterator class php5 introspective method dircetoryiterator class php5 introspective method


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