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Ligaya Turmelle's Blog:
Steps on dual install Apache, IIS with PHP
Oct 11, 2006 @ 13:02:00

Ligaya Turmelle has posted a quick howto of the steps needed to get a dual install of Apache and IIS on a Windows machine, complete with PHP installed on both.

After installing PHP and Apache and making sure everything works perfectly - assume you already know how to do that. No one step is particularly hard but finding out what to do and how took time. Only took me 2-3 days to figure out this. Hopefully someone else won't have to wait so long.

The list is pretty straight-forward with only three main steps and a few sub-steps under each.

tagged: apache iis install windows dual steps apache iis install windows dual steps


Ligaya Turmelle's Blog:
Steps on dual install Apache, IIS with PHP
Oct 11, 2006 @ 13:02:00

Ligaya Turmelle has posted a quick howto of the steps needed to get a dual install of Apache and IIS on a Windows machine, complete with PHP installed on both.

After installing PHP and Apache and making sure everything works perfectly - assume you already know how to do that. No one step is particularly hard but finding out what to do and how took time. Only took me 2-3 days to figure out this. Hopefully someone else won't have to wait so long.

The list is pretty straight-forward with only three main steps and a few sub-steps under each.

tagged: apache iis install windows dual steps apache iis install windows dual steps


Lukas Smith's Blog:
Oracle goes shopping. Do we have an answer?
Feb 16, 2006 @ 12:51:02

Lukas Smith has a new post over on his blog with his take on the moves that Oracle has been taking with several Open Source companies out there (such as Sleepycat).

The topic at hand is Oracle buying one dual license open source company after another. This is getting a lot of people worried. Of course it also got me thinking.

Dual licensing is a business model associated with companies distributing their code under two very different licenses. However the same code is also provided through some open source license, usually one of the so called reciprocal licenses (GPL and friends).

That system is pretty nice on many levels. Everybody gets the code with the license they prefer. The dual licensing company benefits through a cheap open source style distribution model. However they can still make money with selling licenses which is a very lucrative business model, while they can also make money through support.

He continues, mentioning some of the serious flaws with this dual license model, including the inability for a company, at any time, to move to a more closed-source method of development. He even mentions a situation where a project could loose all developers.

And, in his words: So are we up for the challenge if we are faced with such an exodus?

tagged: oracle shopping open source dual licensing exodus developers oracle shopping open source dual licensing exodus developers


Lukas Smith's Blog:
Oracle goes shopping. Do we have an answer?
Feb 16, 2006 @ 12:51:02

Lukas Smith has a new post over on his blog with his take on the moves that Oracle has been taking with several Open Source companies out there (such as Sleepycat).

The topic at hand is Oracle buying one dual license open source company after another. This is getting a lot of people worried. Of course it also got me thinking.

Dual licensing is a business model associated with companies distributing their code under two very different licenses. However the same code is also provided through some open source license, usually one of the so called reciprocal licenses (GPL and friends).

That system is pretty nice on many levels. Everybody gets the code with the license they prefer. The dual licensing company benefits through a cheap open source style distribution model. However they can still make money with selling licenses which is a very lucrative business model, while they can also make money through support.

He continues, mentioning some of the serious flaws with this dual license model, including the inability for a company, at any time, to move to a more closed-source method of development. He even mentions a situation where a project could loose all developers.

And, in his words: So are we up for the challenge if we are faced with such an exodus?

tagged: oracle shopping open source dual licensing exodus developers oracle shopping open source dual licensing exodus developers


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