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Voices of the ElePHPant:
Interview with Eric Poe & John Kary
May 04, 2017 @ 16:11:49

The Voices of the ElePHPant podcast, hosted by Cal Evans, has posted a new interview with two members of the PHP community: Eric Poe and John Kary

In the episode Cal, Eric and John talk about setting up and managing a user group (they're both co-organizers of the Kansas City PHP user group). They discuss why they help organize the user group and how they go about finding speakers and encourage them in the group. They also share things that they do to help foster speakers and get them to get up and take the leap into being a speaker. John also shares a story about how he mentored Eric and helped him get into programming and make a transition into a new career. The show wraps up with each of them talking about their own experience speaking at conferences.

You can listen to this latest episode either using the in-page audio player or by downloading the mp3 for listening offline. If you enjoy the show, be sure to subscribe to their feed and follow them on Twitter for the latest updates when new shows are released.

tagged: voicesoftheelephpant community interview ericpoe johnkary podcast

Link: https://voicesoftheelephpant.com/2017/05/02/interview-eric-poe-john-kary/

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