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Jim Plush's Blog:
Another PHP Framework that falls flat - PHP on Trax
Feb 07, 2006 @ 21:10:12

Jim Plush, in his latest blog entry, looks at one of the PHP frameworks offered out on the web, PHP on Trax, and why it falls flat.

A rails alternative in PHP? Sounds great, I dont have to spend my weekend learning Ruby. That's what I hoped when I came across PHP on Trax which dubs itself as a Rails alternative for PHP. At first glimpse of the code they do a nice job implementing a dynamic active record setup to quickly generate the most commonly needed funtionality.

Where this framework really falls flat is documentation, samples, and support.

He doesn't give any samples of how the framework is used (code), but he does describe the frustration he felt working on an application without the proper documentation and even quotes David Heinemeir on the same subject.

You want a framework to cut your development time, not have you digging through source code to try and find errors and documentation. PHP Trax has potential, yet falls flat for lack of documenation, support, and/or general community interest.

tagged: on trax framework ruby on rails bad documentation falls flat on trax framework ruby on rails bad documentation falls flat


Jim Plush's Blog:
Another PHP Framework that falls flat - PHP on Trax
Feb 07, 2006 @ 21:10:12

Jim Plush, in his latest blog entry, looks at one of the PHP frameworks offered out on the web, PHP on Trax, and why it falls flat.

A rails alternative in PHP? Sounds great, I dont have to spend my weekend learning Ruby. That's what I hoped when I came across PHP on Trax which dubs itself as a Rails alternative for PHP. At first glimpse of the code they do a nice job implementing a dynamic active record setup to quickly generate the most commonly needed funtionality.

Where this framework really falls flat is documentation, samples, and support.

He doesn't give any samples of how the framework is used (code), but he does describe the frustration he felt working on an application without the proper documentation and even quotes David Heinemeir on the same subject.

You want a framework to cut your development time, not have you digging through source code to try and find errors and documentation. PHP Trax has potential, yet falls flat for lack of documenation, support, and/or general community interest.

tagged: on trax framework ruby on rails bad documentation falls flat on trax framework ruby on rails bad documentation falls flat


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