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Gonzalo Ayuso:
Building a Silex application from one Behat/Gherkin feature file
Oct 22, 2012 @ 13:55:18

Gonzalo Ayuso has an interesting post showing how you can use a Gherkin file (used in tools like Behat) to generate a Silex-based application.

Last days I’ve playing with Behat. Behat is a behavior driven development (BDD) framework based on Ruby’s Cucumber. Basically with Behat we defenie features within one feature file. I’m not going to crate a Behat tutorial (you can read more about Behat here). Behat use Gherkin to write the features files. When I was playing with Behat I had one idea. The idea is simple: Can we use Gherking to build a Silex application?. It was a good excuse to study Gherking, indeed.

He includes the example feature file - one that builds an API that lets you list users, get the information for a specific user and update the user's information. Also included are two simple requests to be made to the API and the actual script that makes the Gherkinn-to-Silex translation possible. You can find the full code on github.

tagged: silex gherkin api generate tutorial feature file


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