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Hari K T:
The Book on Aura
Jul 09, 2013 @ 16:17:48

Hari K T, one of the main developers involved with the Aura framework project, has started writing a book about the framework and its use.

There has been lot of requests to show how the individual packages in aura, can be made use inside the framework. So today I am happy to announce that there is a work in progress to make the framework documentation better. I have already started the work on the same.

He already has some sample chapters online and some example code based on the concepts. If you're interested in the book or the framework and want to put your two cents in, consider joining the Aura Google Group and giving your feedback.

tagged: book auraframework example googlegroup

Link: http://harikt.com/blog/2013/07/09/the-book-on-aura/

Ben Ramsey's Blog:
Business Case for PHP
Feb 14, 2007 @ 17:16:00

With all of the recent talk about business cases for PHP, Ben Ramsey wanted to get some of his thoughts on the matter out and into his blog in a new post.

I don't believe anyone has ever published any white papers on PHP, giving it a business case, and while we have companies like Zend, OmniTI, and eZ Systems providing support for PHP, I haven't seen any documentation from them like this. So, last Thursday when Google Group for developing a business case for PHP, I took notice and joined.

Definitely good to hear encouraging words about a project that could ultimately help out the language as a whole break into an area where the growth has been the slowest.

tagged: business case whitepaper googlegroup develop business case whitepaper googlegroup develop


Ben Ramsey's Blog:
Business Case for PHP
Feb 14, 2007 @ 17:16:00

With all of the recent talk about business cases for PHP, Ben Ramsey wanted to get some of his thoughts on the matter out and into his blog in a new post.

I don't believe anyone has ever published any white papers on PHP, giving it a business case, and while we have companies like Zend, OmniTI, and eZ Systems providing support for PHP, I haven't seen any documentation from them like this. So, last Thursday when Google Group for developing a business case for PHP, I took notice and joined.

Definitely good to hear encouraging words about a project that could ultimately help out the language as a whole break into an area where the growth has been the slowest.

tagged: business case whitepaper googlegroup develop business case whitepaper googlegroup develop


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